The funds prospectus makes it clear what the fund is doing and what you are doing with your money if you decide to invest. Please, do not pursue further regulation of these funds. The funds are performing as designed. Any limitations on such a fund creates yet another barrier for the retail investor to gain access to similar leverage that many more fortunately endowed elites have access to. We
I use leveraged ETFs as small positions in my portfolio to provide enhanced returns. I shouldn't need special approval to buy these products. We are meant to be a free country. Please keep it free.
Dear Sirs,
I understand there is regulation under consideration by FINRA that will limit my access to electronic traded funds (ETFs) that invests in leveraged and inverse instruments. I oppose these restrictions. I think it is my right and my decision to invest in these instruments. Currently my brokerages warn me about investing in leveraged funds and I accept the risk that it entails. I
I have in the past year invested in inverse funds related to silver, natural gas, DJIA, NASDAQ, S&P_500, and VIX. These funds are very useful investment vehicles during periods of 'overbought' or 'overpriced' conditions. Without these, we investors would be forced to purchase Puts, which I feel are too risky due to guaranteed time-decay of value
I strongly oppose any restrictions being enacted that in any way impede my ability to make my own investment decisions.
Leveraged ETFs have been helpful in my retirement planning. I am aware of their risks and limitations
I have been investing in leveraged funds for many years and have been doing just fine. I should not have to go through any extra steps than I all-ready do when I research what I'm investing in and how I plan my portfolio. Regulating these funds would be detrimental to the future of my retirement plan.
Please do not do this to retail investors. We have a brain capacity to think and know the risks that are associated with certain funds. Its our money, so we have the freedom to use it however we like, and you have no right to take it away from us.
This is such an asinine regulatory action.
Let investors make their own decisions.
Regulations dont stop gamblers from gambling in casinos.
So regulations shouldnt stop people from actually developing and using complex investment strategies and complex investment products.
This regulatory malpractice because it prevents the people who need to use protective options the most from having access while making sure the rich don't lose. The regulations needed should be to ensure retirement funds have funds available with protective puts or other safeguards. Brokers not telling people about these is shameful. Trying to regulate against the short side is