I feel it is discriminatory to have to go through a special process like passing a test before I can invest in leveraged and inverse funds. In finding these funds and evaluating them to invest my money I have inherently proven that I understand these funds and their risks.
The measures proposed would limit my ability to grow my retirement funding and provide for the long term security of my
Just because some people don't understand the risks involved in owning leveraged ETFs is doesn't mean that everyone else shouldn't be able to invest in them. Some people don't understand the risks associated with driving a car, yet we still allow that. You can't fix stupid, stop trying.
I oppose this! It's my money, and I should be allowed to invest as I see fit. I have a degree in Finance from Georgetown, worked for EF Hutton, and fully understand leverage and inverse funds. These tools are essential for hedging risks in my portfolio.
Pls do not trample my rights.
Dear members of FINRA,
Although I do believe it's prudent to have educated public investors who want to partake in investments that are more complex than single stocks, it is extremely unfair to deny public investors, and only allow individuals who demonstrate a high net worth, access to more complex products that can be used to hedge one's investment risks in today's
I oppose regulations that would prevent me from buying ETFs like BITO. I believe such restrictions are not needed. i can make my own investment decisions and do not want or need the government to create regulations that would prevent me from buying BITO or similar financial instruments
People have the right to be able to decide how to use their own money and should not be prevented from using leveraged products due to not having a large net worth or other arbitrary restrictions. There are plenty of sources of education available to people can understand the risk they are incurring that the government should stay out of regulating this.
I don't involve myself in your personal business, so please stay out of mine. America needs less government, not more. Thank you.
All my liberty's seem to be under attack I can choose how to invest with out regulatory over reach. I dont need need or want this proposal. You do not need to protect me from myself I am perfectly capable to choose investments. Please keep your rules out of my life.
I manage my retirement financial assets based upon my financial needs and NOT FINANCIAL DESIRES. I am a retired CPA with plenty of experience in the assets I invest in. I understand risk, how it is measured and how to manage it. I do not need government permission to do what I know how to do. So please leave me alone, I can take care of myself.
It is important for individuals to be able to invest without their rights from being taken away !