Individuals should have the freedom to invest their money as they choose. This is basic freedom in a free market and should not be limited.
I am appalled at the suggestion of limiting the free market. I - not regulators - should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privelaged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special processes like passing a test before I can invest in public securities. I am capable of understanding my
ProShares has contacted me about you wanting to increase your regulation of investments. I agree with them and not with you. I dont want you telling me what I cant invest in or requiring me to pass a test to qualify.
Dear sirs:
I am only just now finding out about this and I am thoroughly outraged.
As if the super wealthy didnt already control everything in this country Now you want to take away the opportunity for regular people to try to get ahead via investments? How dare you?
This is unnecessary, immoral, and will not be tolerated. Just how long do you think you can keep taking away from the citizens who
Eliminating the leveraged ETFs from the choices of investment vehicles is the wrong decision. If the leveraged ETFs are volatile, how about the individual securities, mutual funds, and options. Every investment tools in the stock market involve some degree of volatility and risk, even crossing the street in daily life has some degree of risk. Are we going to eliminate options because they include
Fair Investment Opportunities should be allowed by All People. Not just for the Wealthy
You have no right to choose where I spend my hard earned money. Next it will be telling us what kinds of food we're allowed to buy. It's an affront to everything our founding fathers stood for.
What are you crazy! We need the small guys.
Comments: I think leveraged and inverse ETFs should be available to retail investors. They give access to the ability to hedge and provide more liquidity then options. They are much safer then options as well. Disclaimers on these instruments make sense but I think it is a disservice to limit access to these items for everyday retail investors.
I use leveraged and inverse funds regularly in my investment strategy. They are an integral part of my portfolio. I am fully capable of understanding all the risks associated with these funds and have knowingly chosen to include them in my portfolio after analyzing those risks. The brokerage firms already require signed documents in order to trade these instruments and they also give warnings