As long as we understand the risks with Leveraged Funds, why should they be regulated? Most brokers require you to check off warnings, so they know, you understand the risks. I use leveraged funds as a large part of my portfolio and also understand the risk v reward.
As a retail investor I should have the ability to invest in what I like
Let everyone invest in cryptocurrency specifically BITO
The people investing in these instruments know the risks involved. Do not restrict investors.
We can not block people from the so-called financial freedom because the few are scared
It's the people's money let invest it the way they want to!
I have done my own investing for years. I am presently using a broker. Why are regulators necessary? Exact details please!
As a shareholder of leveraged and inverse funds, I take my own risk without any pressure to buy and own this type of fund. The regulation if established will restrict my choice or freedom to create my own investment strategy. I accept the high risk of this leverage ETF for a loss or a high return. It is an important portion of my investment portfolio. If the regulation is introduced, the risk
FINRA needs to block this from happening.
I would really appreciate all of Congress and the Senate please, please take an extended vacation! As a matter of fact it's on the house, since we pay taxes and your salaries! There are enough laws on the books as it is so how about just enforcing the multitude we already have. Please enjoy your 4 year vacation! Have a good day!
Eliminating the leveraged ETFs from the choices of investment vehicles is the wrong decision. If the leveraged ETFs are volatile, how about the individual securities, mutual funds and options. Every investment tool in the stock market involves some degree of volatility and risk, even crossing the street in daily life has some degree of risk. Are we going to eliminate options because they include