I believe it is our right as investors in a free and fair market to invest our hard earned money into leveraged ETFs and inverse leveraged ETFs without regulation. It is our duty to make sure we are aware of the risks and regulations of these products and many brokerages offer a warning before trading or investing in these products. The regulation or complete banning of these products puts us at
If this is allowed to pass, you are only increasing the wealth gap. You are inherently saying that anyone who has less than x amount is nothing more than a peasant. Remember we done away with the Feudal System hundreds of years ago. All of those investments that you want to block access to, can be traded by everyone with the guidance of a Broker and you know it. You're only concern is to
I understand the risks and the benefits of leveraged ETF. I still can trade options. For years I prefer to trade these leverage ETF. I hope you dont change the rules.
This is [REDACTED] and gatekeeping to an extreme. So the rich can get richer and the rest of us can just [REDACTED]?? This should NOT even be a considered. It is a complete violation of the rights of every single person who chooses to invest their money no matter what their income level is. I demand that you vote no to this [REDACTED].
You live off are backs and want to stop us from even trying to climb the ladder!?!
I am AGAINST passage of FINRA’s Regulatory Notice 22-08 taking effect.
I use leveraged indexed ETF's actively trading them over short time horizons under steady participation in a long time horizon (25+ years) to smooth out inconsequential market fluctuations, even as much as 50%+, as part of my overall portfolio strategy. The financial services providers servicing these funds have been
It is absolutely ridiculous that this country is going backwards! These companies are supported by ALL of us, not just the few. So why would you try and deny us the same opportunity to invest in the same companies we help make the profits you want to keep from us?
Not cool. Self taught myself everything and became high net worth. These new regulations are junk
The proposed regulations are tyrannical, classist, and anti free market. I as a citizen do not support it as I find it to not to be in line with the spirit of the constitution or a free nation.
Why are we being treated like children and we are limited to only big companies or wall street firms? I can read and like a big person. my mother doesn't need to cut my meat (and I manager her money as a matter of fact) . So since I am a grown person I don't need the govt treat me like a child and limit what I can invest in or not. It always seems if the market crashes you limit