Dear Members of the FINRA Regulatory Committee:
For over 5 years, my livelihood has depended on the availability of trading in Volatility-Linked Funds such as ProShares SVXY and UVXY. Placing additional restrictions on these products will greatly affect my ability to make a livelihood and therefore I strongly oppose restrictions to invest in these products.
I reserve my right to invest my money without the negative influence of a controlled bureaucracy.
I insist on economic freedom, financial freedom, freedom from bureocratic distortions.
The fact the Fed is 500 basis points late to the show makes diversification paramount. We all have the ability to choose and especially to benefit greatly by having good access to ETF securities. Shouldn't investors have the right to decide which public equities, bonds and funds they want to buy. The FINRA seeks to decide what public securities you can and cannot invest in. This is socialism
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in public investments, I shouldn't have to go through any special process before I invest in public securities such leveraged and inverse funds. I understand their risk involved. public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I do not need these measures imposed on me, leveraged and inverse funds are
The world is already a [REDACTED] place, please stop making it [REDACTED] High rewards are associated with high risk, that is the American way. Keep regulating will make USA into Canada, a second rate first world country with little growth, with a second rate pretended dollar. Please know who you are, look who are inhaling the smoke of our trail blaze. The Europeans, the Asians, the Canadians,
These rules are exceptionally deleterious. In a free society with free markets it is presumed that individuals know their own best interests. Undoubtedly mistakes will be made, but these mistakes are self-correcting because people learn. Bureaucratic mistakes are not self-correcting, because when there is a mistake made. then bureaucracies tend to either deny, or add more regulations.
The decision to invest and balance risk and reward should only be in the hands of the investor and not regulators. I believe education is the key not limits.
Leveraged and inverse ETFs are important to help an investor manage smoother results over time, protecting returns from other investments that vary cyclically over time. Such funds have been firmly established for years and are widely known throughout the investment community. For publicly traded funds, the public should not have to go through ad hoc, repeated exams by an agency.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments