Just please do the right thing
I strongly disagree with the attempt by FINRA to prevent or restrict investors from trading in leveraged and inverse funds. ProShare Advisors offers a variety of these types of funds which are critical in the management of my portfolio. We are perfectly capable of understanding these funds and the risks they may have. And, they are the best way to hedge a portfolio from certain events. We do not
Please do not take away the one tool retail investors have to profit during market corrections. I count on leveraged inverse index ETF's to hedge my main investments during market corrections.
I urge you to reject limitations on who can invest in any securities. We are not a nanny state.
It's all about taxing Investors at variable rates and Interest earnings! DD.
Way too much over regulation resulting in unfair trading that only favors groups that are get the government agencies to support their agenda............
I've lost a hundred thousand thru ProShares, before they noted their trades were for day trading. I was not aware how rapidly the accounts could drop in value, even when the markets moved in a direction that should have increased their values.
You didn't make crypto it should stay free. You always want to control and profit off of something that's not yours. Satoshi Nakamato made it to be free and it shall stay free.
Please stop trying to control The Peoples choices.. for anything, including investments!
Legislation should not be passed that limits the public's ability to invest in what we are comfortable in investing, including what you may consider "complex securities, and we should not have to go through any special process to invest. Please do not continue to push us into a nanny state where the government does not let us invest as we see fit.