As an investor I believe it is important that equities are available to serve customers in all parts of the market cycle.
As an educated active investor, I think I have the right to make my own decisions to invest in leveraged ETF.
Why would FINRA only let big investors or institutional investors to invest in ETF?
The only way an educated macro investor can navigate both frothy or
turmoil ridden markets is via leveraged ETF.
It would be patently unfair to deny small investors the ability to play with the big guys
I dont believe these proposed rules are to the benefit of the average or beginning investor. These would restrict the ability to invest fairly to many.
You have no reason or right to regulate our investments or trying to run our lives.
The right of access to all ETFs is a human right!
Comments: The idea that leveraged products are more complex than the operations of other fund types seems absurd. Investments of any sort require an understanding of the operations of the fund and this is in no way limited to leveraged and inverse products.
Individuals choosing to invest need to be able to decide which investments are right for themselves and their family. Undue restrictions to
Dont take our choices away!
I oppose any restrictions
Do not restrict my choice of investmet of the leveraged and inverse funds! These funds are extremely important to my invest strategy! These restrictions are just not fair to an ordinary investor like me!
These products have helped me pull in my retirement horizon by MORE THAN A DECADE! In fact, I have further built an entire business based on utilizing LEFT's and Inverse Funds, with the intention of this being a MAIN income stream at some point. I would be financially devastated if there were restrictions imposed - such as a proposed "cooling off" period. The products are not