I am opposed to this form of oversight.
To whom it may concern,
I am very opposed to regulations regarding my ability to invest in public investments, such as leverage and inverse funds. I am a long term investor and am fully capable of evaluating risk and do not need anyone protecting me from myself. This is classic paternalistic thinking and will increase bureaucracy and cost, and harm the ability of individual investors to have a
I do not want government intruding on my ability to invest in leveraged funds.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investment. No worry. Do not send this kind of email to me again. I have freedom to invest and do not need these measures imposed on me. Thanks
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. I shouldn't have to pass a test or otherwise prove my knowledge base before I can invest my money as I see fit. I have a Master's degree from Boston College; I am perfectly capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds.
I strongly oppose regulation of any investment vehicle no matter the perceived risk. This is an investors decision and need not be infringed upon.
#22-08 is an abomination to the powerless who've been playing Fairly by the same rules we had no hand in devoping in the first place. Please dont confirm, whats been suspected as a fixed game already, I reject #22-08 an you should too! Thank you!
I have been trading in Leveraged and Inverse ETFs (TQQQ, SQQQ, and similar instruments for DOW and S&P500) for over 3 years. I use these instruments as part of my overall investment strategy to hedge and smooth my investment returns, but they only represent a small fraction (1-2%) of my total portfolio. I do not believe that any special knowledge is required to buy/sell these
Leveraged funds are crucial for sophisticated investors.
I recommend that you regulators and government nanny-state bureaucrats read the Gulag Archipelago and some Malcom Muggeridge while your at it. Your premise is a repudiation of the basic reality that it is to be human. Any human authority is suspect because it is human. Our freedom to win and lose, choose the good or the bad, (accept the a priori reality that such words define reality), succeed