I NOW use leveraged ETFs after stock market has plunged ~20% or so. For example i am leveraged now since sp500 dropped from 4800 to 4100 and i believe we have bottomed. Its a great way to rebuild my wealth, especially since i lost a lot of money on UNLeveraged stocks during 2001 dot com and 2008 financial crisis. Why weren't you not protecting us from dot com stocks and citibank and bank of
Please do not stop us buying leveraged etf.
We live in free word and can make our own investment decesions.
I oppose limitations on my ability to buy the leveraged and inverse funds! Please reconsider it!
You should be able to choose the investments that are available on the open market in your account without any interference from regulators.
I should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for me,
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
No reason to limit anyone's ability to invest in the market. As an investor I'm responsible for educating myself on the risks I'm accepting with my investments and weigh these risks against the potential returns.
I regard ProShares Short S&P as a viable alternative method of hedging portfolio risk.
I urge you to let investors continue to use this and similar securities in their portfolios.
I firmly believe everyone should be given the chance and freedom to invest in what they like as long as the risk is disclosed to them and they understand the risk. In my case I believe I fully understand the risks of leveraged ETFs before making my investments. Removing this freedom will definitely harm the efficiency of the market. Even if people's freedom in investments is reduced,
I am capable of understanding complex funds and should not have regulators limiting my choice in which funds I can purchase.
I strongly oppose any restrictions on the trading of any of the fund types in the notice particularly leveraged and inverse ETFs or ETNs involving indices or volatility. Risks are clearly laid out in the prospectus. Not the governments job to restrict the freedom to invest in these products in order to protect people who cant be bothered to read the prospectus and then get burned by risks clearly