Do not regulate my right to invest in what I choose to invest. You had your chance of regulating for over 10 years, and when the markets just decided to go down you want to regulate. This makes investing more and more looking like we are participating in a managed market that has regulators pick and choose winners and losers. That is very unamerican and will slowly degrade our markets that people
I oppose to restrictions to invest or buy Proshares.
I do not want my rights to be taken away to be allowed to invest in leveraged and inverse funds.
You should not change this. We're should continue to have the right to invest in all these things. What do you think you're doing. Knock it off now!
Don't take away the right to pursuit of life liberty and the pursuit of financial happiness for hundreds of millions of Americans... Keep crypto investment a low barrier open market for every economic status to have access
Stop trying to regulate how American make investments. It is nit your money so leave it alone.
I should have the RIGHT to purchase any stock I wish. It is MY money and none of YOUR business!
What is this crazy that I can't invest my own money?
I do not want my rights to be taken away to be able to invest in leveraged and inverse funds.
I should be able to choose what I invest in. Voting for this limitation will keep poor people poor. We should have the freedom to invest as we please.