Please stop trying to control our money
Dear Financial Regulators,
Please put these products behind reasonable knowledge or acknowledgment-of-risk walls rather than wealth walls where only potentially unknowledgeable wealthy & only already-wealthy investors can capitalize on the opportunities unlocked by these products.
It hurts investors.Is arbitrary and unworkable. It upends the regulatory system. I oppose any limitations in my investments.
I wish to retain my current freedom to invest in public securities of my choice.
Comments: All investing involves risk. Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, ETFs, Commodities, Currencies. Imposing sanctions, regulations on a specific sector or industry that market "complex products" is arbitrary, biased and prejudiced when not imposing the same sanctions, regulations on other risk assets as Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, ETFs, commodities, etc. Those who market these "
I want to write in and let whoever is considering this rule change to know that as a retail investor I am fully aware of the risks that I take by investing in securities.
I believe it would out an undue burden on the citizens of the US if there were more obstacles put in their way in order for them to have access to securities. Participating in the growth of the some of the best companies that
Please do not eliminate leveraged ETF products. I have made good money investing in them.
I am writing as a free American who works hard for his money and is able to make his own decisions on what to with his money. I am very capable of doing my own research and to think on my own. I do not in any way need you protecting me from my self my actions are mine to own good or bad. If no one failed we wouldn't know success. Please allow us to think and invest how we please. When I
Comments: The education around the risks of these products has been openly communicated to me and other investors. Investing in any of these products is the sole risk of the investor. Many want to stay away from them. For me, it provides a great opportunity for my investment goals. These products cater to a unique need in the market and preventing anyone with those investment goals from accessing