These products need to stay available for an overall portfolio and everyone should have access to these funds. They already disclose enough information for an investor to make a sound decision on the product and be aware of all the good and bad that comes with that product. There is no need to add additional regulations to these products especially requiring the investor to take a test. There are
I want to maintain my current freedom to invest in public securities of my choosing.
Please don't block or impose any regulations on my investment activity.
Thank you for considering.
Finra, don't limit leveraged ETF's. It's our money and these leveraged etf are great tools for market.
I support transparency and disclosure of information regarding various investments. However, I believe in an investor's right to choose and do not want to see restrictions on my ability to use leveraged and inverse funds. They can have legitimate uses in, for example, hedging against certain market events.
Please do not restrict the use and trading of existing leveraged exchange traded funds, and other sorts of "alternative" funds. These are parts of important investment strategies for individual investors like myself, that allow us to manage risk in our portfolios in more effective ways than conventional index funds. These products give individuals like myself access to
The correct mechanism for correcting these issues is through risk disclosure, which is already done.
I am well aware of the risks and do not want additional obstacles in investing, with the end result of limiting access of financial products to the most privileged.
Hi, I like to have freedom to invest in leveraged and inverse funds without going through tests and additional constraints. I usually do my research on what I'm investing and so knowledgeable enough to make my own independent decisions considering all risks involved. I usually use these funds to hedge my investments or get some higher returns based on their leverage. I want investment
Adding any regulation that limits individual investors like myself from investing in all instruments, regardless of what presumed risk is inherited, gives advantages to corporate finance firms, and implicitly promotes wealth inequality.
Dear Regulators,
I should be able to make my own investment decisions in publicly traded assets based on my understanding of the risks involved in leveraged, Covered Call, inverse, and non K1 commodity funds without the burden of passing additional tests and the elitist nonsense of minimum asset amounts. My traditional "conservative" stock/bond mix portfolios have all dropped
Comments:I am fully capable of making my own decisions with my own money.