FINRA has updated its ORF Participant and Legal Agreements page to ensure consistency with other FINRA-supported facilities
As previously announced, FINRA will launch a new OTC Reporting Facility (ORF) technology platform for the reporting of transactions in OTC equity securities (i.e., non-NMS stocks) on September 15, 2014
Effective May 12, 2014, FINRA Rule 4552 requires each Alternative Trading System (ATS) that has filed a Form ATS with the SEC to report to FINRA its aggregate weekly volume information and number of trades, by security, per ATS in both equity securities and debt securities subject to FINRA trade reporting requirements.
Effective May 12, 2014, FINRA Rule 4552 requires each Alternative Trading System (ATS) that has filed a Form ATS with the SEC to report to FINRA its aggregate weekly volume information and number of trades, by security, per ATS in both equity securities and debt securities subject to FINRA trade reporting requirements.
OTC Transparency On Demand Presentations
On February 27, 2014, the SEC approved FINRA's proposed rule filing SR-FINRA-2013-050. The approved amendment to the OATS rules requires firms to express time in milliseconds when reporting order information to OATS if the firm's systems capture time in milliseconds, effective April 7, 2014.
ORF Forms and Documentation - Web API Archive
FINRA has updated the Financial Information eXchange (FIX) and Computer-to-Computer Interface (CTCI) specifications for reporting OTC equity trades to the new OTC Reporting Facility (ORF) platform. Reporting to the new platform will become effective on Monday June 2, 2014.
FINRA Gateway - Exam Requests