I oppose to restrictions on my right to invest
Comments: Im a retail investor who takes responsibility and ownership of my trading and investing activities.
Leveraged and inverse products are useful trading vehicles for retail investors who dont have easy access to short selling, swaps, or other forms of leverage.
The products are easy to understand for anyone who takes the time to read the fund prospective and objectives.
I feel that FINRA
This is a free market stop abusing your power, let investors invest at their own risk
I use inverse funds to "hedge" against downside risk in our portfolios and have for years. I want to be able to continue to do this.
I fear that FINRAs definition of complex products is so broad and arbitrary that it will be interpreted to cover simpler products. Please let us decide which public investments and securities meet our needs.
I am against more regulations that restrict the options of Americans to better themselves. Government over-reach
don't tread on me! let me make my own decisions and don't create ridiculous barriers
I am hereby writing to object to the rule enhancement articulated on Regulatory Notice 22-08, which proposes a restriction on investors' ability to trade complex products and options.
I clearly understand your concern about investors making uninformed investment decisions on options and complex products specifically to leveraged or inverse exchange-traded products. However,
I oppose any regulations that would restrict the average investor from utilizing ETFs and other products that should be available to the public. Particularly when these products will be restricted to persons of high wealth. This is a blatant attempt at preventing persons of a lower income bracket from generating personal wealth and should be considered segregation of classes.
Individual investors did not blow up the economy in 2008 with the use of leveraged investments they didn't understand, over-leveraged financial institutions (and the credit agencies that bodies like FINRA failed to regulate) did. Are you planning on prohibiting those same financial institutions from using leveraged investment or are you going to once again bend retail over in the guise of