Investing in leveraged and inverse ETF funds is just about the only way to make money in todays volatile market. I have lost 10% of my 401k investing in regular/traditional ETFs. With the way this current woke, hypocritical administration is governing the stock market is going to crash, next will be a housing market crash & a terrible recession. Yet Pelosi and company can continue
I would like to be able to choose my own investments. I use leveraged funds for a small portion of my portfolio and these funds should not be limited to a few privileged investors.
We have been warned enough all the time about investing in leveraged and inverse products, there in not any need for additional restrictions, period.
I am an independent, qualified investor with an MBA in Finance from The Wharton School. As an American, I should have the freedom and right to invest MY capital in anything wish. If the government restores my losses (you already tax my gains) then you can tell what I can/can't invest in.
I should be able to choose public investments that are right for me. I don't need a special test or meet some arbitrary net worth to have access to these trading options.
Im very much opposed to restricting trading of leveraged funds.
We understand the risks and benefits of investing in leverage ETF and this investment option is important to me and I should have the freedom to invest in them.
I do not see any reason why an adult should be limited in the simple buying and selling of ETF's, be they leveraged or unleveraged, long or short.
further limiting my ability to defend my investments in my 401K is criminal.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in leveraged funds. I should have the right to invest in public investments, and shouldn't have to take some special test or get some special permission to invest.