I would prefer to have the freedom and flexibility to make the financial decisions that are best for me and my family. That means being able to determine for myself whether an investment vehicle is too complex. This is not something I trust FINRA to regulate better than I can regulate for myself. The proposed intervention is unwelcome, unwise and oversteps the authority that FINRA should wield.
Please Stop trying to decide for me, my family and friends how, when or where to invested our hard earned dollars. It is an insult for you to think that because we are not Rich Enough for you, we are not knowledgeable enough to decide what a safe investment to make for ourselves.
I want to invest in these inverse funds
Why are US regulators continually disadvantaging small investors? I use leverage funds to efficiently hedge my long term holdingsespecially important right now! Please stop protecting us by putting us in a disadvantaged position.
Regulators have no business interfering with investors who are market-savvy and successful. And who needs to pass any exams? Who will administer them? I say NO to this type of useless regulation
Please reconsider your move to further regulate "complex" investments. Leveraged investment vehicles are extremely useful in building my portfolio. These investments should be available to the public, as they are now, and not overburdened by paperwork and hurdles. There is no need to further regulate leveraged vehicles. PLEASE STOP!!!!
Let me choose what to invest in. I understand the risks.
this is totally wrong ..The regulators have an agenda and are trying to stop the investors from protecting themselves.Totally illegal.This is still the USA!!!
this regulation would limit my ability to invest as i want. the time and energy i put in to investing should not be cancelled because my net worth isnt high enough or i dont work in the finance industry. anyone who puts their money at risk in these funds needs to be accountable to themselves for those decisions. please dont try to put arbitrary restrictions on these products.
This proposal is an example of the excessive paternalism and unwanted protection from all ills that we are seeing imposed on too many of our private actions and decisions. Please put your resources into fighting fraud rather than the legal behavior of sovereign citizens.