I'm just a lower-middle class investor. For the most part, the general public should be allowed to invest in inverse and leveraged funds as long as the companies providing them aren't out to scam the public with unreasonable and/or suspicious tricks. If there is something unusual about a fund, a brief-to-the-point and clear explanation, avoiding double-negative language,
Stop regulating money. Every time you regulate money, you simply give one company a leg up over others. Stop it. This is not your purvue and it is unconstitutional.
Choosing investments, even if leveraged, should be the free choice of individuals. Please do not consider legislation that will limit choice in the market.
I have the unalienable right to make the risk-reward analysis on investments for my account. I believe I am better qualified to choose investments that are best for me and my family. High net worth is the only measure of a citizens' ability to access the risks-reward balance of leveraged and inverse funds. One's education, business and life experiences are significantly more
I hope you backtrack from any action on this. We are adults and should be treated as such. DO NOT RESTRICT MY RIGHT TO INVEST.
I believe in freedom. This freedom includes my ability to buy and sell publicly listed securities at will. I do not need regulators telling me that I should or shouldn't invest in certain securities. I think people can make their own decisions and live with the results.
I am in favor of allowing investors such as myself to have the ability to invest in inverse ETFs. It has helped my portfolio significantly when the market has shown substantial losses. I dont know enough to buy put options. I want to own an ETF.
As a retiree who invests in these securities I understand very well the risks and benefits involved. I and Im sure most others who trade in this space are more than capable of deciding where to invest. This is another government overreach and should be abandoned.
This is clearly a play to keep normal every consumers away from investments that protect against crashes. This is clear manipulation by the powers that be. I am Strongly in opposition of this!