To whom it may concern,
I do not believe in setting "restrictions" for extra risky assets (like triple-leveraged ETFs) in lieu of simple education on those assets. We're all adults, we should be allowed to use our money the way we want to PROVIDED we are fully aware of the circumstances. If the investor is unaware of the differences between a x3 ETF and a normal index
If the market is too difficult for small investors then why do big investment companies lose money? For example, the ARK funds. Are the instruments too complicated for them? The real problem is you tie the hands of small investors to make it difficult for them to make money in the market. You allow big firms to trade in black markets and then announce their trades after the fact.
I feel that I, not regulators, should have the right to choose the public investments that's best for my family. Publix investment s should be available to all the public, not just the privileged.
I should not have to pass a test in order to invest in public securities, including cryptoocurrency. I am capable of understanding the risk in these types of investments. And I can also
Please allow us to invest in fund like those from ProShares
I oppose any action that limits the right of any America citizen to invest in Public investments. I am fully capable of making my investment decisions on my own and am fully capable of understanding the risks should I choose to make them. I do not need to pass a test to demonstrate my investment acumen. The results of my investments will be the testament of my knowledge. This is beyond the role
I have a very diverse portfolio and am very aware of the risks of investing in any stock/security/EFT/etc. currently on the market. I research what I invest in and do not want to be restricted in what I can invest in. I would not object to continued education being offered regarding various investments, but it's part of any investor's due diligence to be aware of what they are
This proposal is absolutely abhorrent and should be thrown out as criminal. The fact that this would even be considered is shameful and is indicicative of this country disintegrating into third world politics.
I am an adult. I complete understand the risk and the benefit of purchasing leveraged and inverse funds. In this case there should not be any special requirements to get permit of purchasing public investments. If a restriction is adding to me, my strategy that I set years ago will be greatly impacted and there will be a huge loss purely due to regulations.
Therefore I oppose restrictions to my
Retail investors are treated with bias versus the institutional investors if this passes.
This rule is absolutely ridiculous! We have the right to invest freely in a free market.