The monetary investment of a citizen should not be impeded by legislation that is Right leaning. Everyone should have the same opportunities to invest as they see fit. It is despicable to protect the exclusive few versus the fair representation of all your constituents. Please reconsider your support of this rule.
Leveraged and inverse funds like SQQQ and SPXU are very important to my investment strategies. They help me to protect and hedge my investments against huge drawdown in bear market. I use them as a limited part (less than 10%) of my overall portfolio including cash.
People should have rights to invest their own money on their ways!
Dont take away the ability to invest in these funds. These are good diversifiers and retails investors should have access to them.
This is unfair and just another way for the rich to keep people poor
I spent 2 years of my life serving the country that I love. The home of the brave and the land of the free. Now I'm being told I don't have the right or the privilege to spend or invest my hard earned money in the fashion I wish. Let's all bid a fond farewell to free enterprise as we know it. Sign of the times?
To whom it may concern,
I do not support additional regulations in regards to investing in the Proshares Trust and other similar funds. Government overreach is becoming more of problem in the United States. Let investors do their own research and allow them to assume their own risks. Big Brother is not required.
I am able to decide for myself and my family which investments are right for us. I neither want nor need a regulatory body making rules and restrictions on this. The proposed FINRA Rule #22-08 is merely a wealth- (& power-) -hoarding tactic of those who already have it. Its out of touch and wrong. The Rule must be rejected.
Anyone who wants to invest should be able to. High risk investments are already limited at brokerage firms, example if you wanted to invest in certain option contracts brokerage firms will require a specific amount of capital in your account or you have to be eligible to invest using margin. Firms already are doing this to protect their risks so this would be unnecessary. Average investors should
Dont do this, its dumb [REDACTED] and solidfies modern fedulism.