If an 18 year-old can go into hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt which his/her degree may or may not allow to be paid off, then a 40 year-old who has made enough to invest should be able to manage his speculative portfolio of investments as he sees fit.
I am opposed to regulators preventing investors from investing in leveraged or inverse funds. These funds serve a purpose including hedging other positions. The hedges would be difficult if not impossible to accomplish without access to existing leveraged or inverse funds. We, the investing public are not stupid and can judge the risks associated with these products. Regulators give the public
I believe that the proposed regulation in its effort to protect investors way oversteps the line between being helpful by ensuring that investors can make informed choices and being harmful by assuming it knows best what those choices should be and who should be allowed to make such choices and who should be banned from making them. Leveraged funds have been a part of my portfolio, including my
LINGMUYI CAHello, regulators! We invest in stocks and all public investments, including ETFs, based on a portfolio of shareholders using surplus funds from the company's operations. Thanks for the risk tips for leveraged and inverse funds. Before investing, carefully evaluate the financial situation and put the company in a low-risk capital structure; at the same time, fully understand the
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategy. I use them for enhanced returns and I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not need these measures imposed on me.
I agree that investor education is critical and that both high level and detailed materials should be made more available that explain these products in terms that the average investor can understand. I oppose putting hurtles in the way of investors who want to use these products. Restrictions based on net worth or other financial metrics would be especially egregious.
An investors like myself should decide what are the right investments without having to go through screening processes imposed by regulators. I have been using leveraged and inverse funds for decades to enhance my portfolio's returns and to hedge against risks. Freedom to choose includes freedom to take risk. Please do not take away my freedom on how to invest.
I have meticulously crafted a strategy using leveraged funds that helps me ride market conditions as they ebb and flow. I've had wonderful results for six years now and want to continue this strategy for the rest of my life. Leveraged funds are critical to this strategy!
I, not dubiously motivated regulators should be able to choose investments that are right for my strategy. The majority of investment vehicles should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged considerating there are already plenty of investment products off limits to the public. I shouldn't have to go through any special processlike passing a test before I can invest in
I need to be able to choose which strategies make sense in my investments. Please leave this tool as is.