I think the leveraged and inverse funds are just like many other securities or any investment that you can lose most or all your money, not to mention the above funds are not a single stock investment so they are intrinsically diversified. Individual investors like us use the leveraged and inverse funds as important tools to hedge our main investment elsewhere. The public tools should be freely
We need all are freedoms back let's stop these regulations
It is very important for an informed and risk aware investor to take calculated risk. While leveraged funds are riskier than traditional stocks, funds, etc, none-the-less, they provide a very crucial diversification alpha to smart investors.
I strongly urge SEC, regulators, Congress, and everyone else involved in restricting the access to leveraged ETFs in retirement accounts.
My husband and I are long time investors. And we both feel, very strongly, that MORE REGULATION OF THE MARKET IS NEEDED. In an age when the wealth gap grows starker and uglier, Wall Street needs to be severely reined in and regulated. We need Glass-Stegall reinstated.
Please allow leveraged funds to remain open for investments. They are a balancing force in equity markets.
It's just simple free country and we have the right to invest how ever we choose
I have been investing since 1982. I understand the risks [and benefits] in using leveraged and inverse funds [and puts and calls]. These risks are listed in the prospectus of each such mutual fund or ETF, which each investor receives. I use leveraged and inverse funds frequently. When the Fed raises rates, TBT is a great fund to use. I am up $7,800 with that since last December, and just
No restrictions, please. It will not make us safer.
Leveraged and inverse funds provide valuable alternative investment vehicle for investors to properly manage risk in their portfolios. The proposed measures to artificially restrict trading - or potentially eliminate trading in these vehicles is a gross over-reach by the government which are not needed.
Let everyone invest for their abilities futures.