I should be able to buy any legal instrument that my brokerage house approves me for based on my account and agreements between the brokerage and me, not mandated by a regulatory body.
Response to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) proposed rules on leveraged ETFs Leveraged ETFs may be volatile but it is not more volatile than many individual securities. In addition to uncertainties with individual stocks. Investors are able to allocate the use of leveraged ETFs to diverse their assets to fit their risk tolerance against the effects of a volatile and uncertain
Please don't take away my ability to invest in investments that allow me to take control of my personal financial future. Leveraged and inverse ETFs allow me to adapt to changing market conditions and allow me to hedge against market conditions that are often volatile. I have been investing since I was 18 years old and I don't want my options to invest limited or reduced.
I do not think that regulators should tell me what I can and cannot invest in.
We have been trading options on leveraged funds for several years. That is how we make our money. From time to time the fund is put to the account and we manage the position to have it called out in a timely manner. To take that ability away from us would be harmful to our investing style. As a knowledgeable trader, we should have the right to trade these positions and not be told we are not
I am asking that you do not impose further sanctions on smaller investors by requiring more unconstitutional regulations on buying leveraged and inverse funds. This "big brother" style of regulating needs to stop.
I, like many others, am fully capable of understanding market risks and specific investment risks of leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of doing research, understanding risks, and making a decision on whether to invest. The decision should not be taken away from me or anyone else. If people are allowed to freely buy lottery tickets then so should anyone be allowed to invest in any
This is trash. If passed you're deleting the middle class entirely. You [REDACTED]
This is to respectfully request that you DO NOT apply blanket and arbitrary rules that restricts investors access to publicly listed and traded securities. All investing incurs risk. Rules such as these could actually enhance liability as it implies other investments are "safe". Should investors assume "ZOOM" was a "safe, non-leveraged investment?