To whom it may concern at FINRA,
Please do not limit small investors right and ability to invest in products that can help them during market fluctuations - like the last 18 months. Too many things in this country have already been closed off to all but the rich and privileged.
I have spent a lifetime learning about investing and am currently using several leveraged and inverse products to
I occasionally use various ETFS that short major indexes or multiply returns on major market ETFs such as the DOW, the NASDAQ 100 or the S&P 500.
I feel that it is a restriction of my ability to choose my personal risk levels if you place limitations on these financial instruments.
Dan Eacret
I am fully aware of the risks I take with my investments. I do not need the Government to protect me from myself. DO NOT REMOVE 3X BULL/BEAR ETS's FROM THE INVESTMENT CHOICES!!!!
Please don't do this. You are taking away all our choices
I do object to not having the option of choosing how and what stocks and other investments I choose to spend my monies on. Kindly do not add another layer of government intervention to my investment account and free choice. Thank you for you attention to my opinion
Regards, Rose Mary Petry
Access to complex public investment products are critical to the advancement of wealth for people of limited means. Yes, their complexity increases risk, but the potential return allows poor people with some riskable savings to at least aspire to have some wealth down the line. To limit people with only a few thousand to 10% per year furthers wealth disparity and is bad for the little guy.
Either make bar for accredited investors in leverage products lower so folks with even $50k in brokerage account can invest im leveraged product or dont introduce these regulations. In this high inflation environment ordinary investors with kids who im school and later college bound need these kinds of much needed investment vehicles to boost their return to keep up the pace with inflation.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to our investment strategies. It is fair for all small investors.