I do not need the restrictions that would be imposed by Notice #22-08.
I am fully capable of understanding the risks in acquiring inverse and leveraged funds.
By limiting access to these funds you are favoring the privileged who have a high net worth, and excluding investors that don't meet some arbitrary net worth.
I am a smaller investor and have utilized inverse funds several times
Please do not restrict and regulate investment options
Please do not limit the publics ability to invest in Pro Shares reverse index funds. This is a right of every person to decide on their own investment principles in action when weighing their risk. Thank You Ed Miller
Would you please stay out of the investment world with more regulations. I dont know of anything that the Government has gotten involved in and made it better.
This program has been working fine without outside input, if it aint broke dont fix it.
I oppose this limitation on my investment
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I'm am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds
I am an individual investor and am a frequent user of leveraged and inverse funds. They are fundamental to my trading strategies and are a simple and very safe (for me) way to hedge risk.
Please do not restrict public use of these incredibly useful tools.
There are plenty of disclaimers for investing in risky assets and instruments. Additional regulation is not required in this arena.
The government should not and does not need to protect investors by limiting the ability to hedge risk. In fact taking away the ability to hedge risk creates a more perilous environment. I strongly disagree with any limits or gates being established by the government to help people save them from themselves.