I am opposed to regulating my use of leveraged or inverse correlated funds.
I use leveraged funds to enhance my returns and hedges and consider the ability to do this important to my retirement. I have paid large sums of money for life long access to research and recommendations, some if which would no longer be available to me should such a restricting regulation be enacted.
I do not want a regulator to mandate rules to prevent me from investing TQQQ, SQQQ or other leveraged funds. I am fully capable to decide how much I desire to put at risk.
Dear regulators,
We need less governmental regulations in our lives today. Not more. The common people like myself should have the ability to invest in all kinds of public securities and leveraged funds just like the high net worth guys.
I am already at a disadvantage. I have no lawyers that spend all their time working for me to avoid paying my taxes. So when I have the opportunity to
I oppose any restriction on my right to invest in anything I want. Stat out of my business.
I do not agree at all with restrictions on leveraged and inverse ETFs. I have made money and lost money investing. I full well realize the risk I am taking and know that I can lose it all. I shouldnt be restricted from taking that risk if I believe it is a good investment.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. I need to use it for hedging.
As a retail investor, I should be free to invest in any public securities with my funds as I see fit. Government restriction of individual investors serves only to increase the wealth gap between most Americans and the ultra-wealthy. Leveraged and inverse funds provide access to financial instruments that would otherwise be available only within specialized circles of millionaires, billionaires,
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed changes to "Complex Products" like L&I Funds, etc. Apparently once again the government thinks that all Americans are idiots. Concern that investors may be "confused" by "complex products" - I find this attitude highly offensive. I would very much prefer that you leave
Hi I don't have a high net worth but enjoy being able to make decisions on my investments like someone who does. Most of the time persons who aren't wealthy don't get included in decisions such as these so I really appreciate being able to direct my investing how I want to, and having a voice. Therefore, I am against these regulations and would like to have a wide