Markets go down at times. Using leveraged instruments as a hedge to keep my portfolios safe in sudden downturns is the only way I can afford to stay invested in the markets as I enter retirement. "Buy and hold" isn't safe at my age. Fixed income products don't pay enough to cover my needs, and they have their own set of risk factors. The only way I can sleep
I oppose limitations on my investments.
Please do not hinder my ability to make my own choices for myself. This is an age in history where choice is being understood to be one of the most important freedoms we have. Please preserve our right to choose.
Thank you,
Dale Bradrick
FINRA has already established a suitability requirement on its members that do business with the public. Establishing additional suitability requirements on public investors duplicates
existing regulations.
When FINRA members have determined that certain investment products are suitable for its clients regulators only concern should be the validity of that determination and not question the
I strongly oppose restrictions on my right to buy any LEVERAGED AND INVERSE FUNDS.
Investor should be informed all risks and benefits. No extra regulations are not required for leveraged funds.
Do not limit individual investors ability to invest as they deemed appropriate for their own funds.
Please why can't investors make their own decisions
I, like virtually any investor, want the maximum flexibility in what I trade and how I trade. More meddlesome regulatory interference only hinders the ability to trade freely. All investors should have the ability to trade leveraged ETFs and like products free of unnecessary regulatory restrictions.