NASD is filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission a proposed rule change to repeal NASD Rule 3110(b)(1), Rule 3210, Rule 3370(b) and Rule 11830 in light of the requirements of the SEC’s new short sale regulation, Regulation SHO under the Act. The SEC has indicated that it expects that Reg SHO provisions will supplant existing overlapping self-regulatory organization (SRO) rules.
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend Rule 7010(k)(3)(A)(ii) relating to the Bond Trade Dissemination Service ("BTDS") Professional Delayed-Time Data Display Fee for the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine ("TRACE") prior to the expiration of the pilot program on October 31, 2004.
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend subparagraph (i)(9) of Rule 2790 to exclude from the definition of "new issue" securities offerings of a business development company ("BDC"), a direct participation program ("DPP"), and a real estate investment trust ("REIT").
Treatment of Commodity Pool Trail Commissions under Rule 2810
Options Position Limits - Exemption for OTC Derivatives Dealers
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend Section 4 of Schedule A to the NASD By-Laws to reduce fees for the Regulatory Element of the continuing education requirements of Rule 1120.
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to extend retroactively to July 1, 2004, and prospectively through December 31, 2004, the current pilot price-improvement standards for decimalized securities contained in NASD Interpretive Material 2110-2 - Trading Ahead of Customer Limit Order ("Manning Interpretation" or "Manning"). Without such an extension, these
Disclosure and Consent Requirements When Trading on a Net Basis With Customers
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend NASD Rule 9522 to permit NASD's Department of Member Regulation ("Member Regulation") to approve MC-400 Applications of disqualified persons whose functions will be purely clerical and/or ministerial in nature.