I want to have my own choice to make investment
I am distressed that you are considering limiting my choices on how I make or lose money.
Please do not proceed with this Ill considered effort to direct what investment s I can make!
Restricting investor access to inverse and leveraged funds while leaving such funds available to institutional investors is both discriminatory and likely to contribute to wealth inequality in America. Requiring a certain net worth is a particularly insulting way to discriminate against individual investors. I understand that these funds can move in ways that unsophisticated investors do not
I believe free Americans should have the right to be free if not hurting anyone else. Regulators need to spend their time removing unnecessary regulations instead of making new ones that infringe on our freedoms.
Dear Sir or Madam: One aspect that I love about the financial markets in this country is the FREEDOM we have to invest in a wide variety of investment options, such as leveraged funds. I am grateful that we live in a country that believes investors are intelligent enough to ascertain the risks and rewards of such investment vehicles. BUT WAIT! So regulators are considering limiting access to such
I oppose regulations that limit my right to invest in public securities and public investments, including inverse funds and leveraged products. People should not have to pass regulator-imposed tests or have high net worth in order to be allowed to make investments and balance their portfolios with the products that best represent their investment goals and risk appetite.
If there are investment
Here we go again! Taking opportunity away from the retail investors so the professionals can continue to have all of the advantages. Doing this will not allow us retail investors to hedge our investments in market downturns. Do not take away investment options from the retail investors.
I'm contacting you to oppose the potential additional regulation applied to certain "complex" investments.
First, what I choose to invest in, public or private securities or other instruments, is my sovereign choice. I educated myself on e.g. leveraged and inverse funds, and have an understanding in how they work and their risk/benefit equation as it applies to me.
I do NOT support regulatory changes proposed on leveraged ETF and other funds. These proposed regulations assume the investor doesnt have knowledge of what they are buying. The risks with these funds are well known and disclosed by my brokerage firm. No further regulation is needed. Thank you.
Leveraged/Inverse funds are very useful risk management tools for even the most common retail investors. To impose restrictions of any kind will limit retail investor options and leave only the privileged and institutional investors with the critical risk management tools.
The common retail investors should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family.