I am diametrically opposed to the financial liberty restrictions being proposed. It is abhorrent that such things would even be considered in the United States of America. Free enterprise is the bedrock of our world leadership across the board. It is the height of elitist distain for the common man to deny access to financial instruments while reserving access to the wealthy who can afford the
I invest and trade in my Roth IRA account. The IRS prohibits any short positions in an IRA thus eliminating any opportunity of arbitrage except by using inverse mutual funds. Prohibiting investment in leveraged or inverse funds would cause investors like me great harm. I believe that I understand them well enough to avoid common pitfalls. In years past I held Series 6, 7 and 24 licenses and for a
This proposed rule is absurd. Let Americans make their own investment decisions without special credentials. We know the risks when we make investments!
We don't need your help. anyone who trades should be responsible for their own actions. These ETFs are not complex, individuals just fail to take the few minutes to read the information that each ETF provider is required to provide. Retail investors don't need your protection because we are so stupid and unable to understand "complex" ETF's. Thanks for
We are free to invest what we want to invest.
Why on earth would you regulate this product away from the retail investor? Some of us are sophisticated investrs and if I choose to put my money in something its on me to protect myself from it not you. Clearly there Hass to be something more important for this regulatory body to, please find it and leave my investments alone
We should be able to invest in what we want to without interference from the government or its regulators.
The Federal government and its regulators have no right to curtail investors decisions on what underlying securities they can trade. This is a direct attack on a free fair market.
Do not limit my access to all forms of investments
This is a risk I take every day knowing what I am doing. Please don't make me go through more obstacles.