I want to maintain the current freedom to invest in public securities of my choosing.
Good job with these rules. They seem very sensible. Too many people get suckered into buying shady products like these without really understanding what they are buying. The fact that companies are upset at the thought of people needing to really understand what they are buying is a huge red flag for me.
A Reddit advertisement is what brought me here. I mean really? I can't buy
Please do not attempt to restrict the use of specialty investments. They are needed for a well rounded approach to many peoples portfolios. If someone doesn't understand an investment they shouldn't be using it, or leave it to a professional. Do you really think your going to protect someone from themselves, when the don't know what they are doing? Leave the use of
You guys need to regulate Bitcoin/BTC, cryptocurrencies and NFT's, before you tamper with trip lev and inverse ETF's.
Dear regulators, I do not think it is appropriate to further regulate investors in this regard. I am not a professional investor according to most definitions, but still I have been able to use several leveraged funds *more* effectively than I have individual securities. The regulatory restrictions that apply to me actually tend to result in *worse* decisions on my part, not better. I do not
Who are you to tell me where I can invest?
Comments:I understand how these ETF's work and am aware they are used for short term moves . I have been using them for several years now .
I oppose FINRA limiting the investments that I can choose for myself and my family. I am capable of understanding the risks involved with certain types of investments and can make decisions based on the amount of risk that I am willing to take on, Public investments should be just that, investments open to the public, not just the privileged few.
I understand the risk and reward of leveraged and inverse ETFs.
If you can allow Securities like Bitcoin to be traded without any intrinsic value. Why not leveraged/ inverse ETFs?
Comments:There needs to be regulation on these I&L funds, as they are VERY volatile. I'm not sure of what to do, except provide EDUCATION to investors.