I truly believe there is a place in ones portfolio for leveraged and inverse funds. In fact, if used correctly, the can minimize the risk in a portfolio. I've used inverse funds as a short term hedge during the Covid crash of 2021 and during the recent market correction. By investing 10-20% of my portfolio in these inverse funds, I was able to reduce volatility and manage risk
Comments: This is thievery. In a free market, everyone should be able to make and lose money however they want. I oppose any restrictions to what retail investors can do. Restrictions should in fact be lowered so that "accredited" investors do not exist at all. Ways to make money should not be artificially restricted behind already having money.
This is ridiculous, there are already disclosures and warnings most, if not all, brokerages make available to customers prior to accepting leveraged trades. Quit wasting tax payer dollars on this type of garbage. If anything, have investors take a free online education course on leveraged funds. Your [REDACTED] proposal discriminates against the poor and has no consideration for their financial
Hello, I believe the proposed regulations would greatly and unnecessarily restrict investors, all investors, from exercising their right to freely participate in funds, inverse funds, etc.
Public securities are supposed to be public, not restricted to those who have a certain amount of net worth. Perhaps a statement about what leveraged funds and/or inuerse funds are would suffice, but to have
Please do not restrict the access to these funds.
I have used these type of funds for many years... they have had there ups and downs but that's part of investing.
If this becomes regulation, investors should be allowed a period of time to become in compliance before the regulation takes effect. Currently, leveraged etfs have been hit hard from the market correction. If investors are not given time to exit their position, they will be forced to sell shares at a loss. This is bad timing for this change to be implemented, and it should not take effect
It is not clear what regulations you plan that would limit leveraged/inverse EFT and similar inventments. However, I would like to strongly suggest that anyone with several years experience in stocks/options be allowed to trade them unless their account is in the "savings" category v.s. "investment" category. Restricting experienced individual investors
It just seems that regulators only want hedge funds to make any real money.
I oppose these restrictions on leveraged and inverse funds. I should be able to choose public investments that are appropriate for my investing style. I should not have to go through a special process such as passing a test to be able to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. I am very capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. These types of funds are very important to