I should be able to choose my investments!
Please tell them to back off. You give leverage and choice to regular investors. It is not the 'protected' domain of big money. We are in a period right now that choice to investors is important.
Your fund family is the best investment tool that I have ever seen.
The investment industry is over regulated as it is. I can make my own decision about when and how to invest. I don't need the government's help!
I have a BS in Finance and an MBA. I don't need to take any more tests just because you, the government thinks I do.
Inverse funds are important for my investment strategies. I use them as a hedge during times of potential
These leveraged investment vehicles are important to my portfolio.
This is an unjust move to limit flexibilities and insurance for our future and retirement. Inverse funds help those of us who do not have millions and cannot gain access to our 401K to safeguard it from the market crashing. I understand that it is a risk to invest in inverse funds; however, that is a risk that I understand, and I am willing to make. There is risk in any investment. It's a
It is absolutely shocking to me that, having ignored the egregious behavior by so-called advisors towards their clients (specifically because FINRA has NOT insisted they act as sworn fiduciaries), FINRA now wants to tell individual investors making informed decisions on their own what they can and cannot do. These are existing, publicly traded securities (vs things like PRIVATE REITS, SPACS, etc
I feel it is unfair and discriminatory to limit what people are allowed to invest in, while allowing others to have the investment capability Based on their income or who they are associated.
Regulators should not be able to limit which investments are right for me or my family. It is not the government's role to determine what is best for me. I am responsible for my actions and take full responsibility for all investment decisions and strategies that I may take. Please stop trying to save us from ourselves and, by doing so, denying us freedom of choice and access to
Do not regulate what securities I can choose to trade in. I use TD Ameritrade because I want the freedom to invest in any stock that I want, period!!