Please keep leveraged and inverse investments free of regulations and restrictions. Thank you.
I'm writing to register my concern over and strong opposition to proposed FINRA regulations forbidding average citizens from investing in leveraged and inversely correlated mutual funds.
Removing access to such funds will severely restrict the strategies I have used, for years, to hedge my securities portfolio and insure against economic downturns. These tools have allowed me to smooth
I am writing to object to the proposed regulation.
As investors in equity markets, I and all other market participants should be able to choose the investments suitable for ourselves without being subject to dictates from regulators. Regulators cannot understand an investor's specific perspective; only the investor can know it.
Imposing special processes on an investor, such as passing a
Even though I am a relative small investor and by regulator standards may not be considered sophisticated enough to make leveraged or inverse trades, I believe that I should bear that risk and be able to participate in such trades in a timely manner. I am capable of evaluating such products and that should by my responsibly and authority. Current warnings and required statements by brokers are
I appose restrictions to my right to invest!!
Please let investors decide what they can invest, not the government.
Letfs make it fair for us the common people to take advantage of leverage. Please dont take them away or add restrictions to a point that they become ineffective
Gentlemen, I have a masters degree in Engineering. I have lost many thousands of dollars in these transactions. I have also lost more in traditional stock and real estate investments as well as made some earnings. My suggestion is that you can not protect me from myself and this applies to others. I understand the good intentions. However please consider going lightly with qualifications and
Isn't this America, don't we have the right to screw up. Why do you have to protect us when only you are trying to take away more of our freedoms.
I question your intent to control my actions with investments.
There are voting restrictions, family planning restrictions AND now some regulator is considering making investment choices FOR ME. Do I know what I am investing in?