The regulations you are suggesting imply that only an elite class of investors are capable of making informed choices about their personal investments. I take offense to that as I believe that I am sufficiently intelligent to make my own risk assessments and investment decisions. And if Im not, I have no one to blame but myself. Investors dont need FINRA limiting our investment options under
I strongly oppose your these unnecessary regulations on inverse and leveraged etf's. Today's investors are very well informed of these and similar investment vehicles and we do not need your meddling in our choices!
You should be looking into ways to better regulate news driven, high speed algorithmic trading where computers key in on pre programed key phrases and can spike or
No one needs any measure of exam in order to invest. Any one can and should be able to choose public investments that are right for me and my family in any way shape or form. Public investment can and should always remain available to the public. No one should be excluded in any way shape or form. What is being done is trampling on the rights of the private citizen as a worker and as a provider.
People should be allowed to invest if they have been warned of the risks. Dont implement policies that will deprive them of alternate investment opportunities.
Thank you
I use leveraged and inverse securities to subsidize my retirement. I'm starting to do pretty good with them. I assume others are also. Is this the reason for the change ?
I should be able to invest in leveraged ETFs. America is a capitalist country for the free. I would like the right to choose what is good for me and what is not. It can also make me a good return because I know how to use leveraged ETFs. Please do not hinder my progress, thank you!
Individuals, not regulators, should be able to choose the investments that meet our objectives. I have been using Leveraged Funds for many years to meet my families portfolio objectives.
And we shouldn't have to verify we have a Masters Degree in these type of investments. Brokers include a disclaimer stating certain types of products carry a higher amount of risk. There are certain
This is a joke. Stay out of my investing process. I dont need you to be involved. You should be focusing on Bitcoin.
Consider additional warnings on trading platforms so investors better understand the risks, but please DO NOT restrict trading in ProShares for retail investors. My husband and I invest carefully and have done quite well with ProShares funds in the past. Other investors' ignorance or carelessness should not be a reason to keep us and others like us from investing as we wish in the
I have been an active investor since 1987, I think I know what is good for me, not some faceless bureaucrat in Washington. America is the home of the free-market economy and should not be tampered with.