TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons
Existing Limited Representative Examinations
Investment Company Products/Variable Contracts
Direct Participation Programs
Municipal Securities
Option Securities*
Products Covered in Proposed Corporate Securities United Representative Examinations
Common and Preferred Stock
Corporate Debt Issues
Stock Rights and Warrants
Foreign Securities and
TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons
On December 30, 1983, the staff of the SEC's Division of Market Regulation agreed to an extension of the temporary relief it previously granted under Rule 15e3-l (the "net capital" rule) and Rule 15c3-3 (the "customer protection" rule). This temporary relief, which was scheduled to expire on December 31, 1983, provides an
Table of Contents
3.1 National Market System
Table 3.1.1 Shares of National Market Systems (NMS) Stocks Trading Summary, 2018–2022
Table 3.1.2 National Market Systems (NMS) Stocks Trading by Venue Type, 2019–2022
Figure 3.1.3 Monthly National Market Systems (NMS) Stocks Trading by Venue Type
Figure 3.1.4 Monthly National Market Systems (NMS) Stocks Trading Outside of Normal
(a) Definitions
For purposes of this Rule and any interpretation thereof:
(1) "Options communications" consist of:
(A) "Correspondence." Any "Correspondence" as defined in Rule 2210(a)(2) concerning options.
(B) "Institutional Communication." Any "Institutional Communication" as defined in Rule 2210(a)(3) concerning
The TRACE Markup/Markdown Analysis Report is a monthly report designed to assist firms in their supervision activities by providing transparency into a portion of FINRA's surveillance program of corporate and agency fixed income transactions customer pricing.
The TRACE Markup/Markdown Analysis Report is built upon logic developed to pair purchase and sale transactions reported to TRACE
For any public offering that is required to be filed pursuant to FINRA Rule 5110(a)(2), FINRA Rule 5110(a)(3)(A) describes that the required documents and information must be filed by participating members with FINRA no later than three business days after any documents are filed with or submitted to the SEC, including confidential filings or submissions, or any state securities commission or
(a) "Adjudicator"
The term "Adjudicator" means:
(1) a body, board, committee, group, or natural person that presides over a proceeding and renders a decision;
(2) a body, board, committee, group, or natural person that presides over a proceeding and renders a recommended or proposed decision which is acted upon by an Adjudicator described in paragraph (a)(1); or
(3) a
Publication Date: February 23, 2023
Interpretations are marked in blue background beneath the rule text to which they relate.
15c3-1a Options (Appendix A to 17 CFR 240.15c3-1).
15c3-1a(a) Definitions.
15c3-1a(a)(1) The term unlisted option shall mean any option not included in the definition of listed option provided in paragraph (c)(2)(x) of § 240.15c3-1.
15c3-1a(a)(2) The term option
SEC Approves Consolidated FINRA Rule Governing Reporting Requirements
Listen Now/Download | 36 min. 51 sec.
Thanks very much, Lee [Covington], and it's great to be with you today. Your introduction was very kind, but when you really get down to it, you described two things of significance to this audience: one of which is I didn't seem to be very good at holding a job, and the other which is sadly, I'm one of your Baby Boomers that needs to think