What you are proposing is completely unethical and will only exacerbate the already growing wealth gap in America. A leveraged S&P 500 fund is an excellent vehicle growing wealth. Even people with just a few bucks in their Robinhood account can invest in it. You should drop your support for this bill for the same reason you wouldn't support the government doing this for
Free markets only work if regulation / government intervention does not impede them. Any reason for limiting investor access to any investment vehicle (after providing warning of complexity for novice investors) is likely anti-free market, and definitely government overreach. By allowing certain investors to invest in these funds, and not others, if obviously fraught with issues. The logic
I should be able to choose the public investments that I choose to invest and not go thru any special process before I can invest. Why should regulators put restrictions on my right to invest to leverage my accounts? I don't need regulators to impose any measures for me to invest.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process
like passing a test before I can invest in public securities,
like leveraged and inverse funds. I do not
need these measures imposed on me.
I oppose restriction to my investing choices I am well aware of the risk involved .
As an investor, an adult an an American, I am continually amazed and disgusted by bureaucrats who think that they are better qualified to decide what I should do than I am. The US Government is entirely populated with incompetent people who constantly stick their noses in the business of everyone else while their own employer is $30 trillion in debt and can't even perform the most
This is unnecessary and would be something I oppose.
Please do not pass this. People should be able to invest into anything they want to. You are taking away investing freedoms and saving them for extremely wealthy investors and investment funds. Protect us by protecting our autonomy.
People who invest in leveraged funds already understand the risk.Stop regulations against it.
Myselfnot unelected regulatorsshould be able to choose the public investments that are right for myself. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just those who can demonstrate a high net worth or income. Myself, and most all educated investors, are capable of understanding the risks associated with leveraged and inverse funds. We do not need the government to protect us