(a) Definition of "Ranking Entity"
For purposes of this Rule, the term "Ranking Entity" refers to any entity that provides general information about investment companies to the public, that is independent of the investment company and its affiliates, and whose services are not procured by the investment company or any of its affiliates to assign the investment company a
(a) Authority for Initiating a Trading and Quotation Halt
In circumstances in which it is necessary to protect investors and the public interest, FINRA may direct members, pursuant to the procedures set forth in paragraph (b), to halt trading and quotations in OTC Equity Securities (as such term is defined in Rule 6420) if:
(1) the OTC Equity Security or the security underlying an
(a) Notice of Suspension or Cancellation
If a member, person associated with a member or person subject to FINRA's jurisdiction fails to comply with an arbitration award or a settlement agreement related to an arbitration or mediation under Article VI, Section 3 of the FINRA By-Laws or a FINRA order of restitution or FINRA settlement agreement providing for restitution, FINRA staff
When used in the Capital Acquisition Broker Rules, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Associated person of a capital acquisition broker" or "person associated with a capital acquisition broker"
The term "associated person of a capital acquisition broker" or "person associated with a capital acquisition broker" means: (1) a natural person
(a) Comparisons or Confirmations(1) Each party to a transaction shall send a Uniform Comparison or Confirmation of same by the end of the day on the trade date.(2) Comparisons or confirmations shall be compared upon receipt to ascertain whether any discrepancies exist. If discrepancies do exist, a corrected Uniform Comparison or Confirmation shall be sent by the party in error.(3) This Rule shall
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Legal & Compliance
Executive Summary
On December 7, 1994, in SEC Release No. 34-35059, File No. SR-NASD-94-15, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved amendments to the NASD Free-Riding and Withholding Interpretation (Interpretation), an Interpretation of the Board of Governors under
NASD® has taken disciplinary actions against the following firms and individuals for violations of NASD rules; federal securities laws, rules and regulations; and the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB).
FINRA Requests Comment on Proposed New FINRA Rule 3190 to Clarify the Scope of a Firm’s Obligations and Supervisory Responsibilities for Functions or Activities Outsourced to a Third-Party Service Provider
(a) Responsibility to Expedite Customer's Request
(1) When a customer whose securities account is carried by a member (the "carrying member") wishes to transfer securities account assets, in whole or in specifically designated part, to another member (the "receiving member") and gives authorized instructions to the receiving member, both members must expedite
NASD® has taken disciplinary actions against the following firms and individuals for violations of NASD rules; federal securities laws, rules and regulations; and the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB).