I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. Leave it to end users where and what to invest.
All investments should not be regulated. If an individual decides to take a risk they should do so at their own discretion. Leverage is used in many other derivative assets like FX, futures, real estate, and options. Why should equity leverage be any different.
Comments: Enhancements are not needed. Leave trading these ETFs available to all without interference. Push education instead of limitation.
As someone who invests in their limited free time, I still have more than enough information at my fingertips to research where I put my money. Limiting my ability to invest in leveraged funds does nothing more than keep leverage out of my hands, while concentrating these sorts of valuable financial tools in the hands of those who don't need to worry about how they'll be
Dont limit this or you will lose support from the trading community
It's especially important regulators hear from you in your own words. Please use the body of this email to customize your response.
As a citizen of the United States of America, this ruling seems to take away a freedom and would suppress our ability to better our financial success. We should able to "gamble" if we so see fit.
I OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHT TO INVEST. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. Im responsible to my decisions e my freedom about my investments.
I should not be regulated to choose investment or have to go through any specialist processes, testing, broker to leverage/inverse funds and risk.
This proposed legislation makes no sense to me. Every investment caries risk. In fact, most stocks are a poor investment choice. Right now even the PURCHASE OF A HOME is probably a terrible investment choice. Nevertheless, as a citizen I am under the impression that it is still my right to make my own choices regarding how I invest my money.
I think it is absurd to presume that only a "
Quit trying to help or protect me the "small" individual investor. Restricting my access to protect my portfolio by restricting access to inverse or leveraged funds is paternalistic and will only cause damage to small investors. The big money interests can hedge their portfolios but you would not let the little guy. Thus, the little investor will suffer the drawdowns &