FINRA Regulators,
I take the time to write to you today in order to protest against the proposed regulations outlined in Regulatory Notice #22-08.
It is not the government's place to tell me what investments I can and cannot make. As an investor, it is my responsibility to understand the products I am purchasing.
I see this as a clear and blatant attempt at limiting the "retail
Please allow free markets
I am completely opposed to any partial or complete restrictions on the right to invest in any public investments. I have been investing in the leveraged/inverse funds for portfolio hedging and have not found them to be any extra risky than regular funds as long as normal risk management process using proper stop loss is followed.
Leveraged and inverse funds are very important for small investors
I am a self taught trader. I learned everything about trading on my own . The most important factors in the trading investment landscape that would help me succeed are the ability to have a large choice and variety of etfs including leveraged etfs . I do not want restrictions or means testing on what etfs I can or cannot buy or sell. This would reduce liquidity as well as consumer choice . I
Don't limit my ability to choose when and where I invest,
Leveraged and Inverse ETFs are important to individual investors do not take away our options. This will only make it harder for individuals to trade. The big institutions already make it difficult for the individual investors please don't make it harder.
Comments: I think providers of leverage and index funds are doing a fantastic job warning about the risks. Instead of handcuffing us with this ruling, perhaps make the training and certification more rigorous? Better idea, how about you stop Congress from being able to have unfair trading practices before you start interrupting the retail investor?
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in leveraged ETFs
Im a financial advisor and only invest in these products for myself and have extensive knowledge in these securities and have been incredibly crucial to my investment strategy and DI NOT WANT TO LOSE ACCESS TO INVEST IN LEVERAGED ETFs. I am aware of the risks and the brokerage firms also make me well aware of the risks. Please do not take away access to invest in these securities!