Please no more regulations. Let me choose what I want. Thank you.
I have no use for regulations that limit my investment choices. Free will and freedom to choose is essential to my American way of life. Authorities who make believe that they know more about me than I know about myself have exceeded the limits of government of the people, by the people, for the people. Authoritarians war against my freedom of choice and in no way represent my own best interests
The regulatory can hurt me strongly because of my portfolios.
I oppose the restriction of inverse and shorting stocks
Its my money my choice and I can choose To trade how I like, I understand the risks and are happy with them
Please maintain my status to choose to invest in proshares accounts. I have invested in these types of agressive funds with success and understand the risk involved and feel I should be able to assess my own risk without interference from 'oversight protection'. Please remove yourselves from my investment decisions.
The government cannot even manage their own money, they definitely should not be telling me how to manage mine. Only I know what kind of risks I am willing to take and how much I can afford to invest in risky investments.
I have been investing for over 30 years, I do not want or need regulators putting me through a special process to allow me to manage MY money in any way I see fit! It is MY
There is no reason why we shouldn't be able to trade leveraged and inverse funds. That does not represent freedom
Dear Sirs/Madames,
I invested in these financial products over ten (10) years ago. They were part of my investment strategy, and are still today. They made sense then, and still do. Thank you for your concern, but I am aware of what I am investing in.
Warm regards, Eric Sims Gerken
I am a individual investor who understands the risk of buying leveraged and inverse funds.
I do not want to be restricted from making financial decisions by restrictions being implemented on what type of investments I make.
I do understand that certain investments come with more risk.
My investments are my choice. I dont get to buy or sell stocks in advance before passing legislation that effects stock value like you elected officials. Leave my options alone. If you dont understand triple leverage and inverse funds, thats not a reason to limit me from using them.