I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for my portfolio. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks/reward ratios. I do not need regulators to restrict accessibility.
I have had a tremendous amount of success with one of the funds that would be affected by this proposal.
I oppose any restrictions that allow me to invest! I should have a choice how to invest my money no one else. There are already enough regulations on my money!
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest, investors should have more choices on how they can invest their funds. These restrictions hurt investors more than they help, in fact,these restrictions help the wealthy while putting the average investor at a disadvantage.
I have been personally using leveraged and inverse ETFs in my personal investing portfolio. I feel confident that I can understand or learn how these vehicles work. I do not believe that regular citizens of this country should be legally blocked from using these tools based on official/regulated tests or levels of net worth.
Leveraged investments are a key part of my investment strategies. Especially leveraged ETFs are a critical component of hedging risk to manage risk adjusted returns in my portfolios. There are no other effective hedges available for small investors. I have a clear understanding of the volatility and of the risks.
I'm actually more surprised the governments doesn't propose
Freedom! Let normal people make the same money as you rich folks.
I strongly believe people are more at risk with SPACs and other loss making companies trading at astronomical prices.
Investing in leveraged index ETFs is an investment strategy that should be available to retail investors.
If you are banning these you need to also bann people from gambling at casinos, lottery tickets and other forms of gambling. It seems like you wanting to restrict leveraged funds unless you jump through hoops is only going to help out the rich.
Why limit people from getting ahead, yes they are risky but for veteran investors they know of them already.
This totally unacceptable. Do we really need big brother to watch over us. It is my money and I demand the right to invest it as I please. It appears that our government wants to control all aspects of our lives.
If I want to purchase a car will I be told if it's to expensive or drives to fast also.
Soon we will be told what charities we are allowed to give to.