I'm an ordinary person and I routinely use leveraged and and inverse ETFs to take advantage of special situations at a minimum of risk.
TQQQ, for example, allowed me to gain exposure to the tech market during the COVID-19 bust with only a small fraction of the capital commitment that it would have otherwise taken. TBT enabled me to hedge against interest rate rises without having to
I strongly oppose this rule of banning the 3x leverage ETF. Its so unfair to take away our normal peoples limited resources away from us. The big institutes and the rich have all resources to do their investments. The stock market is the most important way for us to grow our assets and 3x ETFs are an very important component or it. I strongly oppose the ban of 3x ETF. Its not fair for us.
As an investor, I own a few leveraged ETFs which are critical part of my overall asset portfolio. I strongly oppose any plan to restrict access to these ETFS by any means because investments in these leveraged ETFs are my rights and setting any restrictions may hurt my wealth. I fully understand the risk and rewards of the leveraged ETFs and hence make my own investment and trading decisions
I have years of experience as an institutional analyst/portfolio manager. The notion that I cannot invest my own funds as I please due to a gov't agency trying to protect me is absurd. If you want to protect investors, eliminate accounting fraud and the use of nongaap earnings in analyst reports.
To Whom it May Concern,
I have been an active investor for several years, and invest in 3x Leveraged ETFs (both long and inverse), and they have been a very important part of my strategy, although I am not a 'high net worth' investor. Without these, I'd have to have 3 times the capital to get the exposure I need in order to succeed.
I know these products are important
I used leveraged inverse funds as part of my investment strategy to hedge against drops in the market. I feel I should be able to choose where I want to invest my money and should not have to jump through ANY hoops in order to access these investments. Everyone with a brokerage account should be savvy enough to place their money where they think it will make the highest profit without
It is important that as an investor that I get to choose what I invest in and not others blocking my way!
Please, leave the leveraged funds alone. These are much, much safer than a futures account. They are fantastic value for investors. Much less risk than futures.
I, as a investor, would like to have to freedom to trade ProShares UltraPro ETFs. Please do not introduce any limitations.
We should be able to risk our funds in whatever manner we choose, so long as we aren't risking money we don't have. I am strongly opposed to any restrictions of pro shares. I should be able to trade additional levels of risk, as any public investment, without additional requirements or restrictions. This is my freedom, and my right to choose to do with my money as I deem fit.