I can control my money management
Stop this intrusive nanny state interference now.
An individual should be able to make their own choices regarding what their risk tolerance is and what investment vehicles they choose. Leveraged/Inverse funds are only a small portion of my portfolio. I use this type of an investment as a hedge to protect the rest of my portfolio as well as enhance my overall returns. Over the last 50 years that I have had an active portfolio of investments,
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and your family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
I do not agree with this regulation. I should have the freedom to invest how I would like to invest. Leveraged funds are an important part of my investment strategy, and inverse funds are risky, but useful tools for strategic investment. Do not pass this regulation.
For me, it is important and necessary to freely trade leverage ETFs.
Do not go through with the regulations on restricting Crypto.
This is Ludacris. I should beable to invest my money anyway I feel like it. I'm not relying on the government for a comfortable retirement and as an adult, of sound mind, I should be allowed to make my own financial decisions.
Completely unfair - the public should be able to take whatever risk they see fit without being subject to excessive requirements. These rules would literally be limiting the public's access to high-risk/high-ROI investments for little reason. There should be tools available to anyone who is interested in going beyond traditional investing (i.e. daytrading, speculation, etc.). Adding
i love the use of leveraged etfs. i find them much safer than trading individual stocks that can implode and never recover