More regulations no sirs. There are to many now that limit the small investors like me that contribute to the benefit of our economy and others retirements. With out this type of strategy available I will be pushed out of your system and take my money elsewhere . I am putting up with your current rules because I still feel I can get ahead with out risking it all. I feel the majority of people in
I object to the efforts of FINRA to limit my ability to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. Most of our monthly income comes from leveraged funds, CEFs, BDCs, MLPs, etc. I should not have to go through any special process like passing a test to be able to invest in the manner I want to. It is my money, I should be able to invest how I want.
Please allow the freedom for people to invest in what they choose.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. I should be able to choose any public investment vehicle that I decide is correct for my risk tolerance and situation. I shouldn't have to go through any special process to determine that. I am capable of understanding the risks without additional measures imposed on me. Leveraged ETF are important strategies I use to
I find it it incredibly demeaning that the same people who want to do this to us refuse to regulate themselves. Laws against insider trading for Congress continue to fail while they try and tighten the screws on us. Secondly, this is another way to inhibit short selling. You can't just make us buy stocks and bonds and manipulate the market up and to the right. Let the market work on
To Regulators,
I staunchly oppose the proposed requirements to invest in leveraged ETFs and funds. I have invested in these funds for over 10 years and am fully aware of the risks. I am capable of reading the prospectus and understanding these risks. As a former financial advisor and principal, I have ALREADY passed a series of tests that prove my investment knowledge. However, even if I had
I oppose restrictions on my choices of investments.
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me - not regulators.
Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the wealthy or politically connected.
Leveraged and inverse funds have been important tools for a middle class investor such as myself to help protect myself during volatility in the market. I am fully capable of understanding them. Losing access to them would be a crime to the middle class and small investor and a blow to inequality.
You are not smarter than I am. Please don't limit what I can buy and add more burden in doing so.
I am strongly against this special rule:Regulatory Notice #22-08.