The core notion behind this campaign is that retail investors are not knowledgeable enough, intelligent enough or informed enough to decide what to do with are hard earned money. The state already takes from us, in the form of taxes, monies to fund social security and invest those funds in h way congress sees fit. It would seem only fair that what is left for us to invest, be done so by what we
I understand the importance of utilizing different hedging strategies and feel any limitations would affect my investment strategy.
Please dont make any changes to products and services that are filling the need of investors. I Oppose limitations to my ability to buy funds, specifically from Pro Shares.
1. I do not want Government Regulators telling me what to do in deciding my or my family's investments.
2. Why should I pass a test to invest, I am not brokering securities!
3. Leveraged and Inverse Funds are part of my Investment Strategies!
4. What FINRA is proposing is what I would expect from a Communist Government!
Please allow us to trade regulating the little guy will not help. This isnt necessary!
I strongly feels against these limitations
I feel it should be up to investors to decide what they invest in.
I should be able to choose the public Investments that are a right for me and my family.
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I believe it is unfair to regulate what I invest in. I strongly believe that investors have the right to decide which public equities, bonds and funds they want to buy. To limit based on how much wealth an investor currently holds creates a disadvantage to those interested in creating wealth especially those who come from disadvantaged communities and populations. It is unfair to create