Do not limit my ability to invest and control how I do it. You do not know me or represent me so hands off. I'm an investor and take the risk that comes with investing. Why don't you stop legislators from investing and insider trading instead. They should ONLY be able to invest in ETF's or mutual funds and NOT individual securities.
Please let the FREE market run as it is intended, Freely.
Respected Sir/Madam, In retirement accounts, please allow investors the freedom to choose the assets they would like to invest.
Individuals, not regulators should be able to choose investments that are right for ourselves and our family. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies, especially helping me hedge against market crashes. I am opposing more government regulations on how I choose to invest.
Stop trying to regulate financial market and securities and more than they are now.
I strongly opposed restrictions on my right to invest in cryptocurrency funds. I understand the concern you may have in protecting people from themselves however you are impeding a fundamental right for individuals which is the right to financial self-determination. To impose restrictions is paternalistic and does not respect the ethical right for individuals to make choices about where and how
So I can buy ridiculous options, yet I cant inverse through a diversified fund? This is ridiculous, and only gives institutions more leverage. Timing is interesting as well considering weve been in such a long bull run, now that the markets are volatile we get this notice!?
Please let everyone invest not just a few!
Oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments.