I don't need your protection from leverage risk, inverse funds, cryptocurrency or any other investment opportunity I find it laughable that inverse funds would even make you list, given all the downside risk currently being created and allowed by regulatory bodies. Protect me from the FED before you do anything else!
Fareness is gone when one person can invest and the next person in line cannot invest in the same venture. That is not justice.
Please do not change the rules regarding leverage and leveraged exchange traded funds. This would detrimentally affect my portfolio today and my ability to earn in the future.
Comments: My broker already gives proper warning and reviews request to access these types of trades. Retail, new, and small investors are already at a disadvantage in todays market that allows high net worth entities access to trading outside regular market hours and through AI driven trades that give them a leg up when new information is presented to the public. Adding more restrictions or
Each individual not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for them and their family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. One shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before being able to invest in public securities. We are all capable of understanding our investments and their
It is God Himself that gives us the abilities to gain wealth and it is government's role to protect our God-given rights and freedoms.
Again, regulators who do not know me AT ALL want to make serious, critical decisions about my financial needs/wants. WHY??? Please, let me decide what investments are right for me and make sure, continue to keep ALL public leveraged and inverse funds/investments available for everyone. Isn't is a good thing I want to be a secure, self-supporting, productive citizen of society? It benefits me
Keep personal investment choices free from overwrought government regulations. Do not limit individuals from investing their hard earned money as they see fit.
Dear Sir/Madam, I oppose any restrictions to my right to invest in cryptocurrency funds or other popular investments deemed to be complex. As an investor, one should understand the risk with any form of investments but have the rights to select all available assets to invest in. Thank you.
I object to adding regulations that will limit my ability to invest in securities of my choice ( or require additional hoops to be passed). I have been using leveraged and inverse securities for many years and this makes no sense.