Please, please do NOT impose the proposed new FINRA regulations. As an active investor I am practically regulated out of the marketplace, and am still suffering the damage caused by the Dodd-Frank Act. The last thing we private citizens need is more government interference in our lives, which invariable harms rather than helps. The amount of trouble and stress for regular people like me that
I have been involved with the financial markets for 50 years this coming month. The proposals that are being proposed, although they seem to make sense on the surface, will make matters far worse for the general public and the institutions that manage pension funds. Many investors, professional and general public, use these products to provide insurance for their investments. Without this
When does someone have a right to determine what investment is appropriate beyond their own self?
As an individual investor who has managed my own assets for decades, I protest any regulations which will inhibit my investment choices. You must be aware that the stock markets are manipulated from many directions--to the disadvantage of the individual investor. Thus the Buffet advice of just buy SPY and ride it out. However, some of us do notice and invest in trends with special
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. It is already quite unfair that the rich have more opportunities than the poor and middle class. I made the sacrifice and did not spend all the money I made from my efforts so I should be allowed to with with it whatever I WISH NOT WHAT A GOVERNMENT THINKS.
To Whom It May Concern:
I am strongly opposed to any restriction to on my ability to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. These funds are great innovations that have been extremely helpful in hedging my regular investments since they became available. Loss of these products would expose me to a higher level of risk. Independent entities are at a disadvantage vis a vis institutions in all social
I would like to keep inviting freely
So please do not restrict
Public should decide about their investments, not regulators. Please do not interfere.
Re: Investing in leveraged and inverse funds I am submitting this because not only do I have the right to share my views, but the regulators are required to take my comments into consideration in deciding whether to move forward. I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not
Let the investors decide the risks they are willing to accept. There is no reason for the government to get involved in the risk management of individual investors.