STOP overreach. Folks should be able to invest their money however they want. Stop doing things simply to justify the existence of your job.
I am requesting that retail investors like myself retain the ability to invest in leverage and inverse funds. These types of funds will continue to exist, why limit them only to affluent investors through professional firms? I utilize these funds to protect and balance my portfolio as a hedge against downturns and also to realize higher ratio returns without having to buy on margin. My Fidelity
I am sick of the nazi tactics this illegal administration is pulling and getting away with it!!
Every Investment is at your own risk. That's why they call it Investing.
The more we let all people invest or do whatever....then America will be the great nation if freedom it began as. Freedom to choose.
Many investors, including myself, occasionally use inverse and leveraged ETF's in our investment portfolios. Please do not take away this option. All it will accomplish is making the little guy have even less options than before.
Please give us the right to invest.
I neither need nor want the nanny state telling me what I can and cannot do with my money. Especially in terms of investments.
You should be worried about Congress using insider information to enrich themselves. If the general population wants to risk THEIR money, its THEIR choice if you do this, the effort to make the rich richer while the poor have no hope will become obvious. Let them eat cake is a bad strategy
FINRA should not restrict my ability to utilize leveraged and inverse funds as a means to grow wealth for my family and our future. I don't need you to further encroach on what has been a successful approach to wealth creation by adding extra and over-reaching restrictions and requirements like tests, net worth measures, cooling off periods and broker approvals. You are over-reaching